Tuesday 16 October 2012

Recce Shots

 We thought we might be able to use the stage in the hall for a position where Adam might be able to play the acoustic and sing to represent his loneliness  Also the long distance makes it more diverse.
 We would like to incorporate nice trees and fields where the couple could sit when he is reminiscing about happy times.
 Another happy scene could be the couple messing around together in the park, a typical romantic film setup.
 We like the idea of nice landscapes and though he could be standing by the lake drinking and looking at his reflection in the water. Also it could fade back into happy times when they used to sit by the lake and have a picnic.
 We are going to try to include shots of him sitting on a bench by himself drinking to show is loneliness.
 Again looking into the lake to see reflection to bring him into reality, fading back to when they were feeding the ducks together.
 Again a bench to show his loneliness.
 We are going to try and include shots of the couple walking together holding hands to set the scene at the start of the music video.
 Also a nice place where they couple could be sitting.
 Again a nice happy bright landscape for the couple to be seen being happy.
 This was another play park we were thinking about using for when the couple are messing about and having fun.
 This is another bench we thought we could include him sitting here with the girl and then through out the music video when things get worse he is sitting on a different bench. This bench is on a hill so shows the high point in his life, compared to the other benchs which would be on normal ground level.
 Another path the couple could be holding hands down, this would be ideal because of the street lighting, also the length and shape would be go to slowly fade them into the distance, which could represent them faded apart and breaking up.
Another scene we are going to use is the local pub where the main character in the music video is going to be seen drinking alot, we will use this booth as he is segregating himself from everyone else and whats to be alone. We may also use the bar.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Music Directors and Influences

A music director can be a director of many different genres and types of music, however in this case it is the director of a music video. 
A director is hired mainly for his vision and ability to place and execute stunning visual images, stories and actions into the short time frame of a song. These are a few Music directors who have directed videos for a long time and are known around the world. Also examples of videos they have directed. 
Jonas Ã…kerlund- Directed Lady GaGa 'Paparazzi', David Geutta, feat Kelly Rowland 'when love takes over' also he has directed for Rhianna, Maroon 5, Beyonce and many more.         

Chris Applebaum- Directed Rhianna 'Umbrella', Hillary Duff 'Fly', he also has worked with younger artists such as Ashley Tisdale, Vanessa Hudgens, Myley Cyrus and Selena Gomez, and many more. 

Samuel Bayer- Directed Good Charlotte 'Hold On', Also directed 9 of Green days songs from 2004-2012, Justin Timberlake 'What goes around comes around' and also Maroon 5 feat Wiz Khalifa 'Payphone' and many more. 


Tuesday 2 October 2012


1.     Out of the following which is your preferred song?

·        Ed Sheeran-Drunk  

·        Rizzle Kicks-Travellers chant                

·        Jamie T-Chaka demus

·        Lovable Rogues-Honest  


2.     What would be your favourite type of music video?

·        Lip sync

·        A story following the lyrics of the chosen song

·        Focusing on the artist performing live

·        An interesting backdrop that has no direct relevance to the song


3.     Would you prefer the music video to contain the artist?

·        Yes 21

·        No 14

·        Don’t mind 11


4.     What is your favourite music genre?

·        Acoustic

·        Pop

·        Classic

·        Hip hop

·        R&B

·        Heavy metal

·        Rock

5.     What would most put you off a music video?

·        Flicking from scene to scene constantly

·        No direction or story content

·        Lack of diverse shots

·        Along in-depth story

Potential costumes for the main cut

Adam Lomas: casual clothing, quite smart to show he is the singer and can afford the clothes he wears.

Dom Clarke: casual but in some shots scruffy, this is to show that he don't really care about how he looks because he is heartbroken about his breakup.

Hollie Acris: casual clothing for the flashbacks she will star in. Possibly clothes that can show she is angry.

Roberto Pinto: He is the cameraman so it doesn't matter.

Roles of each actor

Adam Lomas: he will be the lip syncing musician sing to the song as if its his life we are explaining, Adam will also be helping with the post film production and editing. His character will be explaining the song lyrics as if its about his own life and how it goes wrong.

Dom Clarke: He is the main actor who will be trying to show how some people get over a bad break up, in this case it will be alcohol that gets him through it. He will also be editing the final piece.

Hollie Acris: Holliie will be the main actors ex girlfriend, the one from the bad breakup. she will only be in parts where there are flashbacks of the couple together.

Roberto Pinto: He will be the cameraman filming every scene, he will also be helping with the editing and post filming production.