Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Audience Feedback

After recieving feedback from the audience who we presented our intial ideas to we have come to the decision it would be best to choose the song Drunk by Ed Sheeran, this was the most preferred idea by the audience as it shows in the pie chart. The information was collect after we told each member of the audience to vote for their favourite idea and which one seemed the most stable and well put together. Some of the questions asked after the presentation were:
Q: 'What is the video going to precisley consist of?'
A: 'We have planned a few ideas but we are going to go with a narrative of where thye main character who in our case is going to be Dom, will have central focus the whole way through the film. He will have an argument with his girlfriend where we will see it through his point of view to make more of an impact and will introduce more diverse camera angles. We will then incorporate morediverse shots of the main character sitting on a bench and going through town with a blurry view to see liufe through his eyes, this will really capture the audience.'
Q:'What made you pick the song drunk?'
A: 'We all like the song and all decided that it would be easy to interprett ourselves and easy to create as we seemed to all come out with the most ideas for this song specifically'
Q: 'How are you going to get different locations if you choose Travellers Chant?'
A: ' We thought ahead before the school year started and got shots of a couple of our group members flying abroad on a plane and a sunset in a different country which would really go well with the song, as for the train and the car ideas they will easy to do locally.'

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