Saturday 30 March 2013

Music Video Analysis - Lightning Bolt

This is a music video by Jake Bugg he has a style of music we all enjoy and is similar to our chosen genre as it is acoustic. He is 18 years old so is the same age as our target audience. The music video consists of fast shots to keep with the music, it has old effects on it making it seem like a traditional film made a while ago giving it a very antique image. He narrates through the song as it refers back to him singing but also him walking through the streets as the story is being told. This is what we plan on doing as Adam tells the story of Dom's relationship situation. The shots are very random and switch constantly in time with the beat around different places, although it does keep a reoccurring theme of this, vintage feel with keeps the video interesting a fun to watch. Especially as it is not just focused on the singer which can be boring for the audience, we will use this technique when filming.

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