Tuesday 16 April 2013

Music Video Analysis - Bastille

This is a Bastille song called Flaws; it is of an alternative genre, something similar to our choice. I have chosen to analyse this music video as it is very different to many others I have previously done. It doesn't follow a specific story line and is a very quirky piece. Although what it does do is follow the pace of the music with its actions, as the music is slow, so is everything happening in the video. We see the main character sing along many times throughout the video but not the whole way, this has become a usual feature in music videos and something we would like to incorporate. The song its self is revolving relationship as is ours, we see him in arcades and enjoying times with girls who have masks on this relates to his lyrics, "flaws". We are going to use the idea of seeing the relationship in happy times and reverting back to our lyrics and title "drunk" as we see a constant occurrence of alcohol throughout the music video. Throughout the rest of the video there are many random parts of action which is enjoyable to watch, the main character and singer taking centre stage, which we also will try to replicate in our own piece.

easter holidays

during the easter holidays i managed to do alot of res4earch into new and existing music videos, i will post detailed analysis of a few of them later on. we only have two weeks left to finish everything and so far we are nealry finished most of the tasks, we just need to do some final detailing into them.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Conventions of a Music Video - Pop

Pop – The Wanted – Glad you came
§  Party atmosphere
§  Sun, beach, holidays, boat -fun
§  Flirting
§  Shades, bikinis
§  Quick paced shots from clip to clip
§  Typical summer pop song
§  Jeans and t shirts, not smart clothing
§  Abroad

This song and video are an example of a typical summer/holiday pop anthem, which is instantly shown by the shooting being in a foreign country on a beach and around a pool. The video shows the band and others having fun, mucking around and is not too serious which is a stereotype of pop as it is meant to be fun and upbeat. The party atmosphere throughout the video also represents this. The clothes worn support the stereotype with bikinis which obviously would be worn on holidays and also jeans and t shirts rather than suits that may be worn in RnB videos to again represent the relaxed, fun atmosphere. The quick paced shots show there is a lot going on and a lot of action which is stereotypical of a pop video.
Party atmosphere 

A shot of the whole band 

Having fun on boat/ expensive 

Sea and sun scene 

Friday 5 April 2013

Code and Conventions of a Website Layout and Design

Layout and Design usability - Easy to use site with clear areas for navigation around the website. Grid System- Separate sections of a website to present information in small, easy to access segments. Centre of Page- Used for main content with navigation tools on the left and/or across the top of the page and links to more information on the right. Background and Font colour- Used to separate different types of information. Images- Used to illustrate as much as possible to add visual interest.