There are 4 charcaters in our music video; Dom clarke, Morgan Hunter, Adam Lomas and Rob Pinto. Dom is the main charcater the whole piece is about his life and how he copes with the trouble sof a relationship by drinking. It shows past and present, the good times with his girlfriend and the argument and then the continual drinking before. He is dressed like yourt average teenager in casual everyday clothing, this makes the situation and stroy seem more realistic and can relate to our target audience. he uses alchol, is a pain relief to hel;p him cope with his break up, we know he doesnt like the thought of it though as he smashes the bottle furiously in one part to show he no longer whats to be dependant on it.
Roberto is Dom's friend in the pub at the video he almost intises Dom to drink alchol by buying him drinks by the time he arrives. He will feel under pressre to drink. He recieves a text to go pub, we know the friend is their to try to cheer him up and make all his worries go away temporarily. It is the only part in the film we see him being happy.
Adam Lomas is the narrative in the music video we see him appear right at the beginning and around dom when he is drinking, the purpose is so he is telling the stroy as if it really happened to him, this situation that is being portrayed. He plays the guitar in time with the music so it seems as if he is telling a story. He is also dressed in very casual clothing to match the rest of the characters makes him blend in and seem as though he is just one of them. He witnesses the situation happening to Dom.
In our music video we have several locations mainly revolved around Dom's house.This is where we seem drinking and waking up it is an iconic location throughout the whole video. It is his on 'safe zone' whenever he is drunk and alone he just comes home and sits on the sofa or is in the kitchen. We have the harrier pub is another location, this is where he meets with his friends, it is obviously a great location to symbolise alcohol. We see Dom at his happiest here with his friends whilst he is drtinking and chatting, forgetting about his worries. Other locations are based outside near a lake and greenary, this is symnbolic of happy places which works well with his happy memories. Great location to portaray happiness and romance.
The costumes all of the characters are casual and fashionable and typical clothes teenagers wear especially our target audience. They wear; hoodies, jeans, chinos, trainers, beanies etc. all look causal but not scruffy, showing a 'cool' look.
The propse which we use in our video are shown on our digipak. These are the guitar, this is an important prop and we have many close ups of this, it symbolises our acoustic genre. It is also the instrument in the song so when adam plays it it goes with the song in the background. Alcohol was another important prop, this was used to show dom coping with his situation it is included in almost every seen with dome some with focus so we understand that it is important to him and plays a good role and how he is so dependant on it and it his way of getting through his problems. Another prop was a mobile phone, this was used for friends to communicate, the usal stereotypical way for teenagers. It was used to help change scenes from Dom's house to the Pub and to introduce the charcaters name.
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